1. Navigate to the library you wish to upload to. (http://example.domain.com/site/library)
  2. Click the "Library" tab
  3. Click "open with windows explorer" (you have to use internet explorer to be able to access this feature)
  4. A folder will pop up containing all the library documents, you can place documents in the folder as you would any regular windows folder.
  5. After you place your documents go back to SharePoint.
  6. Open the Library tab again
  7. click new view.
  8. choose the "datasheet" view type
  9. choose any other details you would like in your view.
  10. after you are done creating your view you can use it by choosing it from the views drop down box available in the Library tab.
  11. go to library settings in the Library tab
  12. choose the Versioning  section
  13. disable the option to Require check-out of documents for editing.
  14. go back and choose your new Dataset view
  15. you can now enter properties quickly for the documents you uploaded in your folder.